Richland RunFest Training Group

We will all start our group sessions for the half marathon on Saturday mornings at 0645 from Wake Up Coffee (formerly Black Rock Coffee, formerly Richland Roasters). October 7 will be our first group session and it will be an easy 3 mile run/walk.  Our 10k training starts the week of Oct 30. This year […]

BigX Invite Community Races

Big Cross Invite @ BigX Rd.36 ½ mile north of Argent Rd. Pasco, WA Community Races: $5 Run separately from High School Invite cash/school pay(debit/credit) Race day registration, starting at 8:45 am on Saturday. Elementary: 1 mile: Age groups: 6 & under, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 Open: 2 mile Age Groups: 10 & under, 11-13, 14-15, […]

Richland RunFest Training Group

We will all start our group sessions for the half marathon on Saturday mornings at 0645 from Wake Up Coffee (formerly Black Rock Coffee, formerly Richland Roasters). October 7 will be our first group session and it will be an easy 3 mile run/walk.  Our 10k training starts the week of Oct 30. This year […]

Trot For TROT

RACE IS OCTOBER 14, 2023 Come join us for the 3rd annual Trot For TROT! TROT (Therapeutic Riding of Tri-Cities) is a therapeutic riding facility that promotes physical, psychological and social well-being of people with special needs by providing animal-assisted therapies and activities. This race is open to all ages and levels of abilities. This […]

Washington River Protection Solutions United Way Campaign 5k

5k Race starting at Howard Amon Park. Put on by Washington River Protection Solutions to support the United Way of Benton and Franklin counties. Date: Saturday October 14th Time: 2:30pm Check-in, 3:15pm Race begins Location: Roundabout at Howard Amon Park on Lee Blvd Cost: $25/person and $80/group of four Registration at the following link: […]

Richland RunFest Training Group

We will all start our group sessions for the half marathon on Saturday mornings at 0645 from Wake Up Coffee (formerly Black Rock Coffee, formerly Richland Roasters). October 7 will be our first group session and it will be an easy 3 mile run/walk.  Our 10k training starts the week of Oct 30. This year […]

Chamna Chase

October 21, 2023 Sign up at Half Marathon at 9:00 am;  10 km at 9:30 am;  6Km at 10:00 am    

Pooch and Pal Run

Pet Over Population Pooch and Pal Run & Walk Visit vendor & exhibitor booths Grab a bite from food vendors Try your luck at our 50/50 raffle Photo Ops with your Furry Friends, Post on Facebook and tag POPP and a Best Doggie Costume Winner Date:  10/21/23 Time:  10am Place:  Columbia Point Park Distance: 5K […]

Richland RunFest Training Group

We will all start our group sessions for the half marathon on Saturday mornings at 0645 from Wake Up Coffee (formerly Black Rock Coffee, formerly Richland Roasters). October 7 will be our first group session and it will be an easy 3 mile run/walk.  Our 10k training starts the week of Oct 30. This year […]

MCCM Monster Mash 5k Creature Crawl 1k

THIS EVENT IS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2023 Ready to get your run on? Join us for this spooktacular event! Run/Walk the full 5k or come out for the 1k creature crawl dressed in your favorite costume. There will be trick or treating, activity booths, food trucks and fun for all ages! Creature crawl will start […]

Tri-Cities Marathon, Half-Marathon, and Marathon Relay

The Tri-Cities Marathon, Half Maarathon, and Marathon Relay is Sunday, October 29, 2023 To register for this event go to Tri-Cities Marathon (  Place Riverfront Hotel 50 Comstock Street Richland, WA US 99354 Description Join us for a Marathon in Tri-Cities, Washington that is a 26.2 Boston marathon qualifier. This autumn run begins at Richland's […]

Richland RunFest Training Group

We will all start our group sessions for the half marathon on Saturday mornings at 0645 from Wake Up Coffee (formerly Black Rock Coffee, formerly Richland Roasters). October 7 will be our first group session and it will be an easy 3 mile run/walk.  Our 10k training starts the week of Oct 30. This year […]