Officers and Contact Info

Please email your question to the appropriate officer or race director.  Refer general questions to Eric Greager.  Thank you.


Eric Greager, President [email protected]

Joe Francik, Treasurer [email protected]

Sid Warvin, Membership [email protected]


Richland Run Fest: Amanda Lang at [email protected]

St. Patrick’s Day Foot Race: Eric at [email protected]

Leprechaun Dash: Eric at [email protected]

Rage in the Sage Duathlon: Eric at [email protected]

Righteous Richland Sprint Triathlon:  Eric at [email protected]

Shoreline Run:  Genoa Blankenship at [email protected]

Titanium Man Junior Triathlon:  Eric at [email protected]

Plunonium Man Triathlon:  Eric at [email protected]

Little Cross:  Dale Fuller at [email protected]

Columbia Crossing Swim:  James Devere at [email protected]

Summer’s End Half Marathon:  Annika Brubaker at [email protected]

Tri-Cities Marathon & Marathon Relay: Joe Ochoa at [email protected]

Columbia River Classic:  Janet Wilson [email protected]