2024 Schedule of 3RRR Events

2024 Schedule of 3RRR Events

2024 3 Rivers Road Runners Schedule of Events

Mark your calendars and reschedule your vacations so that you can be here for our 2024 3RRR Events:

  • February 24 – Richland RunFest Half-Marathon, 10 km, 5 km and Virtual Runs
  • March 16 – St. Patrick’s Day Foot Race 5 and 10 km
  • May 11 – Rage in the Sage Duathlon
  • July 13 – Righteous Richland Sprint Triathlon
  • July 20 – Shoreline Run 10 km and 2 mile
  • August 17 – Titanium Man Junior Triathlon
  • August 24 – Plutonium Man Triathlon
  • September 7 – Columbia Crossing Swim
  • September 14 – Summer’s End Half-Marathon and 5 km ***if we get a race director soon
  • October 27 – Tri-Cities Marathon and Marathon Relay
  • November 16 – Columbia Classic 10 mile and 2 mile

Notice that we still do not have a race director for the Summer’s End races.  If someone doesn’t step up soon

to take this race on it will not happen in 2024.  Contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Little Cross 5km and 1 mile Results

1 Kaitlyn Skiffington 8:01 Kennewick F 9 9-10 1 1
2 Tommy Horner 8:40 Richland M 9 9-10 1 1
3 Austin Clements 8:56 Richland M 12 9-10 2 2
4 Owen Kauer 9:51 Pasco M 9 9-10 3 3
5 Kelvin Johnson 9:59 Kennewick M 8 7-8 1 4
6 Lilly Greenhalgh 10:29 Pasco F 11 11-12 1 2
7 Amelia Kauer 11:20 Pasco F 10 9-10 2 3
8 Dallin Persons 11:37 Pasco M 14 13-15 1 5
9 Jack Johson 11:53 Kennewick M 6 6 & under 1 6
10 Kyle johnson 11:53 Kennewick M 14 13-15 3 7
11 Isabel Jimenez-Soriana 17:33 Pasco F 23 19-24 1 4
12 Abraham Jimenez 18:33 Pasco M 22 19-24 1 8
13 Isaias Jimenez 18:34 Pasco M 14 13-15 2 9
14 Lev Lathrop 23:59 Pasco M 6 6 & under 2 10
15 Brian Lathrop 24:02 Pasco M 36 35-39 1 11

Little X 9/4/23 5km OVERALL PLACES
1 Edward Paup-Lefferts 18:51 Pasco M 17 16-18 1 1
2 Alex Mendoza 19:11 Othello M 15 13-15 1 2
3 McCarty Kubalek 19:31 Pasco M 17 16-18 2 3
4 Ben Porter 19:46 W. Richland M 16 16-18 3 4
5 Jim Neeway 19:50 Richland M 41 40-44 1 5
6 Ethan Brogoitti 20:15 Richland M 15 13-15 2 6
7 Blake Martin 20:16 W. Richland M 18 16-18 4 7
8 Phillip Benson 20:26 Richland M 15 13-15 3 8
9 Luca Rolon 20:30 Richland M 16 16-18 5 9
10 Jacob Redden 20:37 Richland M 27 25-29 1 10
11 Isaac Hernandez 21:16 Pasco M 17 16-18 6 11
12 Connor Hodges 21:24 Richland M 15 13-15 4 12
13 Chris Albertson 21:42 Richland M 42 40-44 2 13
14 Miles Dustin 21:49 Richland M 15 13-15 5 14
15 Javis Kubalek 21:52 Pasco M 15 13-15 6 15
16 Drake Gill 22:12 Richland M 15 13-15 7 16
17 Seth Wright 22:17 Richland M 15 13-15 8 17
18 Jackson Horn 22:18 Pasco M 14 13-15 9 18
19 Jeremy Biehl 22:31 Pasco M 15 13-15 10 19
20 Valerie Siebol- Deruyter 22:33 Pasco F 16 16-18 1 1
21 Jesus Guzman 22:48 Pasco M 17 16-18 7 20
22 Jaxson Owen 23:06 Richland M 14 13-15 11 21
23 Kyle Joynson 23:16 Kennewick M 14 13-15 12 22
24 Katie Moore 23:22 Pasco F 46 45-49 1 2
25 Paul Horner 23:57 Richland M 12 12 & under 1 23
26 Sebastin Aviles 23:57 Pasco M 17 16-18 8 24
27 Westin Vrandstette 23:52 W. Richland M 16 16-18 9 25
28 Elias Rodriguez 24:03 Pasco M 28 25-29 2 26
29 Emiliano Santiago 24:03 Pasco M 45 45-49 1 27
30 Alex Cuccu 24:05 Richland M 14 13-15 13 28
31 Izach Metcalf 24:06 W. Richland M 14 13-15 14 29
32 Juan Gonzales 24:32 Pasco M 41 40-44 3 30
33 Haylee Johnson 24:34 Kennewick F 17 16-18 2 3
34 Weston Ririe 24:35 Pasco M 12 12 & under 2 31
35 Lana Lacey 24:40 Seattle F 46 45-49 2 4
36 David Baug 24:58 W. Richland M 16 16-18 10 32
37 Jett Hansen 24:58 Kennewick F 12 12 & under 1 5
38 Brent Kubalek 25:05 Pasco M 46 45-49 2 33
39 Cesar Garcia 25:11 Pasco M 16 16-18 11 34
40 Peyton Greenhalgh 25:15 Pasco M 16 16-18 12 35
41 Garrry Buchko 25:22 Richland M 62 60-64 1 36
42 Christian Lee 25:23 Richland M 14 13-15 15 37
43 Henry Kincaid 25:24 Richland M 14 13-15 16 38
44 Christine Horner 25:26 Richland F 43 40-44 1 6
45 Joshua Squires 25:31 Pasco M 51 50-54 1 39
46 Levi Clemens 25:40 Richland M 16 16-18 13 40
47 David Gussenhoven 25:50 Pasco M 42 40-44 4 41
48 Elijah Gutierrez 26:06 Pasco M 17 16-18 14 42
49 Caden DuVall 26:19 Pasco M 17 16-18 15 43
50 Diego Rolon 26:20 Richland M 43 40-44 5 44
51 Dan Hansen 26:21 Kennewick M 65 65-69 1 45
52 Keith Kauer 26:25 Pasco M 35 35-39 1 46
53 Andres Chamarro 26:48 Kennewick M 16 16-18 16 47
54 Max Johnson 27:02 Kennewick M 12 12 & under 3 48
55 Edgar Rodriquez 27:06 Kennewick M 24 19-24 1 49
56 Tami Johnson 27:32 Kennewick M 38 35-39 2 50
57 Max Lacey 27:37 Kennewick M 11 12 & under 4 51
58 Sam Clements 27:39 Kennewick M 44 40-44 6 52
59 Alex Barajas 27:47 Kennewick M 17 16-18 17 53
60 Robert Morales 27:58 Kennewick M 60 60-64 2 54
61 Nolan Van Tress 28:00 Richland M 11 12 & under 5 55
62 Ruthie Kauer 28:03 Pasco F 17 16-18 3 7
63 Clara Kincaid 28:05 Richland F 12 12 & under 2 8
64 Nancy Martin 28:20 W. Richland F 45 45-49 3 9
65 Genesis Zaragoza 28:35 Pasco F 16 16-18 4 10
66 Evander Kubalek 29:21 Pasco M 11 12 & under 6 56
67 Lauryn Burns 29:34 Pasco F 37 35-39 1 11
68 Kent Sanders 29:57 Pasco M 45 45-49 3 62
69 Olin Lee 30:04 Richland M 12 12 & under 7 63
70 Marcus Hatch 30:11 W. Richland M 15 13-15 17 64
71 Dana Ward 30:28 Pasco M 73 70-74 1 65
72 Henry Welk 31:08 Richland M 15 13-15 18 66
73 Carter DuVall 31:35 Pasco F 15 13-15 1 12
74 Dan Hansen 32:23 Kennewick M 53 50-54 2 67
75 Chelsea Rangel 32:28 Pasco F 15 13-15 2 13
76 Brandon Dustin 32:42 Richland M 41 40-44 7 68
77 Ava Arryo 32:25 Pasco M 14 13-15 19 69
78 Juan Alvarado 33:30 Pasco M 14 13-15 20 70
79 Aimee Bell 33:56 Richland F 52 50-54 1 14
80 Gabrielle Lacey 34:40 Seattle M 8 12 & under 8 71
81 Steve Lacey 34:41 Seattle M 53 50-54 3 72
82 Bruce Bradley 34:45 Kennewick M 75 75-79 1 73
83 Jenae Kubalek 35:09 Pasco M 10 12 & under 9 74
84 Peter Biehl 35:12 Pasco M 13 13-15 21 75
85 Val Aragon 35:37 Burbank M 50 50-54 4 76
86 Alesa Kubalek 36:00 Pasco F 13 13-15 3 15
87 Luca Rapoza 36:08 Richland M 11 12 & under 3 77
88 David Rapoza 36:08 Richland M 44 40-44 8 78
89 Dale Fuller 36:39 Pasco M 70 70-74 2 79
90 Nathalia Santiago 36:56 Pasco F 15 13-15 4 16
91 Kezia Kubalek 37:45 Richland F 7 12 & under 4 17
91 Richard Sexton 37:17 Pasco M 70 70-74 3 80
92 Zedekai Kubalek 37:49 Kennewick M 6 12 & under 10 81
94 Berkley Turner 38:12 Richland M 17 16-18 18 82
95 Benjamin Kunkel 38:12 Pasco M 18 13-15 22 83
96 Leslie Bell Hansen 38:26 Pasco F 53 50-54 2 18
97 Saul Jimenez 39:12 Pasco M 17 16-18 19 84
98 Dylan Potter 39:14 Pasco M 15 13-15 23 85
99 Alex Rapoza 39:27 Pasco M 8 12 & under 11 86
100 Annie Kincaid 39:30 Pasco F 9 12 & under 5 19
101 Melanie Lee 39:31 Richland M 46 45-49 4 87
102 Alaina Kincaid 40:25 Richland F 42 40-44 2 20
103 Angela Biehl 40:45 Kennewick F 44 40-44 3 21
104 Pam Blake 41:02 Kennewick F 71 70-74 1 22
105 Jasmine Gonsales 41:43 Pasco F ? ? 23
106 Mel Lacy 41:43 Kennewick M 81 80 & UP 1 88
107 Ana Rosa 43:21 Pasco F 14 13-15 5 24
108 Guadalupe Leon 43:29 Pasco F 14 13-15 6 25
109 Heather Kubalek 46:04 Pasco F 44 40-44 4 26
110 Livia Bues 52:17 Pasco F 13 13-15 7 27
111 Connie Beus 52:17 Pasco F 44 40-44 5 28
112 Jim Petersen 57:54 Richland M 78 75-79 1 89
113 Mari Cruz Troncoso 67:35 Pasco F 36 35-39 2 29

Leprechaun Dash a BIG Success!

Wanted to share with you what a big success the Leprechaun Dash was on March 13th and the good things our 3RRR club did for elementary school kids in our area. First, the Dash is subsidized by 3RRR so there is no cost for elementary school students to run the Leprechaun Dash. Second, between 3RRR and our sponsors Cornerstone Wealth Strategies and the Pasco Kennewick Rotary Club, we provided over $6000 to 9 different elementary schools in our area to be used for PE equipment and programs. Read on to get the details of these cash awards and thank you notes from the schools.

Nine elementary schools were awarded cash from the Leprechaun Dash this year:

School# of Finishers%$$$
Amon Creek28324.41464
Lewis & Clark14712.7762
Desert Sky1079.2552
St. Joseph’s746.8408

Thank You Notes:

Thanks once again for organizing the Leprechaun Dash.  Our kids had a great time and are looking forward to participating next year.  It was great seeing so many kids participate once again after a 3 year break.

I am upgrading my scooters for PE.  The new scooters will be bigger, more stable and easier to maneuver for the kids.  They are expensive and I was only able to get 8.  The money from the Leprechaun Dash will allow me to complete a class set.  Once again, thank you and the members of the 3RRR for the opportunity.

Jay Osborne,  Orchard Elementary School

Dear 3RRR members,

Wow, what a fantastic event this weekend! I loved seeing how many schools and students showed up.

We are both humbled and grateful for your donation to our school. We have a few ideas as to where the money will go, but I will also be asking the students who participated if there’s anything PE related they think would be good to have at school. 

Ideas that are on our list include: Obstacle course type equipment; Basketball hoop repair; Hula hoops (our kiddos love these and destroy these); Parachute; High quality outdoor basketballs.

Thank you all so very much for your hard work in putting the race together. Thank you for donation to our PE program. Thank you for encouraging students to get outside and be active.


Kortny Buhrman

Calvary Christian School

I want to thank the 3RRR Club for putting on a great race.  This is the first year it has been put on since I moved over to Sage Crest from Amistad and the kids that ran really enjoyed the race.  There were many families posting pictures on Facebook of their kids down running.  It was a beautiful day and I am looking forward to next year to even get more kids there to participate.  I plan to use the money to buy a few items for recess and also some PE equipment to replace old equipment.  I may even use some the money for archery items as I have just started teaching that in school also.  Thank you again to all the people at the 3RRR Club that go above and beyond to put on a great event.

Paul Malisani, P.E. Teacher, Sage Crest Elementary

I wanted to write a note of thank you to the Three Rivers Road Runners Club for running the Leprechaun Dash. There were a lot of students there from all over the Tri-Cities and it was great to see so many kids being active.

I also wanted to thank the club for the cash awards to the schools. With budgets being lower than they used to, it will go a long way to help buy equipment for our students. We plan on using our award money to buy new indoor balls, ice packs, and some jersey’s.

Again, we thank you for your community involvement and helping local schools.

Jason Woods, Cottonwood Elementary, Physical Education Specialist

Dear 3 Rivers Road Runners, Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity. Our school is new this year and currently a little on the smaller side. We had a terrific turn out for Desert Sky and were able to get 107 of about 400 students to join your fun Leprechaun Dash. I am very excited to use the money we earned to buy some more equipment for our school to use. We plan on purchasing some portable soccer type goals, jump ropes, hula hoops and small cones. If there is still money available, I will most likely get some more footballs or basketballs. The race was fantastic! Our students and families enjoyed the excitement of the race and the beautiful weather that we were able to compete in. Our students liked seeing their times as they crossed the finish line, and the ribbons were a huge hit as well. I think we will be able to increase our attendance next year now that our families know what to expect. Word of mouth will work to our advantage. Thank you for putting on this event and we look forward to participating for several more years. Sincerely,     Lori Coleman PE Teacher Desert Sky Elementary

Thanks so much for putting on another great Leprechaun Dash.  We are excited at Amon Creek to earn our share of the Pot of Gold and plan to use it to purchase new PE items for the kids here as well as replace some of our older pieces of equipment.  We have learned that when you have 740 kids at a school, items don’t last as long as they do compared  to schools with smaller populations.  We will also use some of the winnings to continue to buy toe tokens for our Jr. Jogger running club that we do in the spring and fall twice a week at lunch recess.  We regularly have 250 to 300 kids run at lunch recess.  It is a sight to see.

Jeff Jones, Amon Creek Elementary PE

Dear 3 Rivers Road Runners,

              Thank you so much for giving this opportunity to all elementary kids in the Tri Cities.  Our school as a whole, had over 20 staff attend the run, while over 37 helped out with other behind the scenes stuff, worked REALLY HARD to get over 100 kids at this event and were thrilled we met that goal!  Most of our students have never experienced a running event outside of our own jog a thon, so at times Saturday was a bit overwhelming, but also made for some new found love of running.   As for how we will spend the funds we earned, we will spend some on our all school jog a thon and field day so all LC kids can share in our joy and excitement of setting goals and accomplishing them!     Thanks again for investing in kids, we really appreciate it. 

Jill Carter, Lewis and Clark PE teacher

We are beyond thankful for allowing our school students to participate in the Leprechaun Dash and for having rewarded our participants that have crossed the finish line! Since our school is a private school, we have to fundraise in order to be able to replace school equipment or things we need at school. The tuition students pay for helps pay for staff and basic building upkeep, everything else needs to be fundraised. Our classrooms are in need of basic recess equipment and this money will be used for that purpose! Thank you again so much for this amazing opportunity and we hope to participate again next year!


Johanna Guzman, 1st Grade Teacher, St. Joseph’s Catholic School

Rage in the Sage Training Rides and Runs

The Rage in the Sage Duathlon is coming up soon on May 13th, so its time to get signed up at Rage in the Sage Duathlon (runsignup.com).  The race consists of a 2.5 mile run, 10 mile mountain bike, and then the same 2.5 mile run.  And the winery is open when you finish!

You get the chance to preview the course by joining us for some of the training rides and runs that will occur on several Saturdays before the race…specifically April 1, 8, 29, and May 6.  We meet at noon at Kiona Winery (44612 N. Sunset Rd; Benton City) in the lower parking lot.  The course goes through and around the vineyard and we cruise the bike course, maybe strap on the running shoes to check out the run course, and then chill with a bottle of red at the winery.  Hope to see you there!

Contact Eric at [email protected] if you have any questions.