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Shoreline Run 10 km and 2-miler

TO SIGN UP FOR THE SHORELINE RUN, GO TO Shoreline Run (runsignup.com)
Howard Amon Park, 500 Amon Park Drive
Richland, WA US 99352

GENERAL INFORMATION: Races will consist of a 2 mile fun run and a 10K competitive run, with both races starting at 7:30 am. Both races will start near the Fingernail Building in Howard Amon Park in Richland. The finish is at the very north end of Howard Amon Park, near the boat ramp.

CONTACT: Genoa Blankenship at [email protected] for further information.

Race entry – $15
Tech T-shirt cost – $20

Register by July 6 at 8:00 pm to be assured of a T-shirt, if you choose to purchase one. After that time you may still register on-line until July 8th.  In-person late registration available July 15 at Moonshot Brewing (4:30 – 6 pm) and race morning at the race site, starting at 6 am.

ELIGIBILITY: The Shoreline Run is open to all persons registered by race time. Runners under 18 years old must have their waiver read and approved by a parent or guardian.

AWARDS: The 2 mile distance is a fun run that is not timed.  In the 10 km race, the top 3 overall men and women will receive Shoreline Run medals and the top 3 male and female runners in the following age groups will receive awards:  14 & under, 15 – 19, 20 – 24, 25 – 29, 30 – 34, 35 – 39, 40 – 44, 45 – 49, 50 – 54, 55 – 59, 60 – 64, 65 – 69, 70 – 74, etc.

SPONSORSHIPS: Thank you to our signature sponsors: Moonshot Brewing, Columbia Basin Racquet ClubWautoma Springs, and Professional Investment Management Services.

TO SIGN UP FOR THE SHORELINE RUN, GO TO Shoreline Run (runsignup.com)