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Righteous Richland Sprint Triathlon

Howard Amon Park
900 George Washington Way
Richland, WA US 99352
TO REGISTER FOR THE RIGHTEOUS RICHLAND SPRINT TRIATHLON GO TO Righteous Richland Sprint Triathlon (runsignup.com)

Format: 1/2 mile swim; 12 mile mountain bike; 3 mile run

Course Description: The race starts with a brisk 1/2 mile swim in the Columbia River along the length of Howard Amon Park.

From the park we bike (MOUNTAIN BIKES, ONLY) a total of 12 miles via roads and bike paths to the Chamna Nature Preserve, where we will find plenty of off-road and single track riding. Mountain bikes only.

The 3 mile run is along the foot paths heading south from the park, with the finish back in the park.

COVID SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: We will be following the guidelines from the Governor’s office to keep everyone safe and healthy before, during, and after the race.  We expect 100% compliance from all race participants and volunteers.

• Race – $40 by June 26th and $55 after that date (3RRR members get a $3 discount if registered by June 26th)
• Race plus 1 One Day License – add $15 to the prices listed above
(As a sanctioned USA Triathlon (USAT) event, all participants are required to have a USAT license. If you are not a card carrying member a One Day License must be purchased for $15.  If you are a current USAT member you won’t need to purchase a One Day License. Simply enter your USAT Member Number where prompted).

3RRR members get the discount mentioned above if they register by the pre-registration deadline of June 27th,

Athlete limit for this event is 225 individuals. Please note: Mail-in registration is not available…you may register on-line ONLY – NO RACE DAY REGISTRATION

Join the 3RRR Club: You can get the above 3RRR discount by joining the club.  Only $20 per year covers your entire family at one address.  Just go to https://runsignup.com/Club/WA/Richland/3RiversRoadRunners   to get signed up.

TO REGISTER FOR THE RIGHTEOUS RICHLAND SPRINT TRIATHLON GO TO Righteous Richland Sprint Triathlon (runsignup.com)

On Line Registration Deadline: To be pre-registered for The Righteous Richland Sprint Triathlon you must enter by June 26, 2023.  A late fee of $15 will apply after this date.  Registration ends on July 5th, or earlier if the participant limit is reached. Race day registration will NOT be available.

ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS: We sympathize with life’s uncertainties but there are no refunds. Entries are not transferrable  to another race or to the team Righteous Richland Sprint Tri. Please, please, please plan accordingly.

Chip Timing: Timing chips will be used to record split and finish times. Timing chips will be distributed race morning at check-in.  Race results will be available by Negative Split Event Timing at www.nsplit.com/results. Remember to turn your timing chip in at the finish line to avoid a lost chip charge.

Clothing Option: Another Righteous Clothing Option.  A sleeveless t-shirt that will cost you an extra $15. If you want the shirt you should pre-register by June 27th, as they may not be available unless you pre-register.

Age Categories: 13-19,20-24,25-29,30-34,35-39,40-44,45-49,50-54,55-59,60-64,65-69,70-75, 76-80

Team Competition: Along with the individuals in the race, three-person teams are also invited to compete.  Team categories include open, coed, and women’s teams.  Carefully select the category you wish to sign up for.

Day Before Race Schedule: You can pick up your race packet between 4:30 and 6:00 pm at the Reborn Bike Shop, 1341 George Washington Way, Richland, WA 99354)

Race Day Schedule: On race day, arrive early and be prepared for the following:
• 6:30 am – Packet/timing chip pickup starts
• 8:00 am – Mandatory pre-race meeting
• 8:30 am – Race start
• 11:00am – Course closes

Awards After the Race: We cannot have a large gathering for an award ceremony.  Instead, check the Negative Split website on your phone at www.nsplit.com/results, or the paper copies posted at the picnic shelter, to see if you placed in your age group or were one of the top 3 overall men or women and you can collect your award after the race at the picnic shelter where you picked up your packet. Please give us a little time after the race to have your award ready for you, so you have plenty of time to stow your gear after the race before picking up your award.  Awards are race glasses that will NOT be mailed.  If you miss the pick up after the race you will need to contact Eric at [email protected] to arrange a pickup time for your award.

Special Considerations: Please note the following:
• Mountain bikes, ONLY. Athletes must use mountain bike frames with 26-29 inch wheels, and tires with a minimum 1.5 inch width (no road tires allowed) and have some sort of knobby, raised pattern that covers more than 50% of the tire surface.  So that means the slick portion of the tire is less than 50% of the tire surface.

Questions???  Contact Eric at [email protected]

Volunteers: We need your help to put on this race, so if you can help out please contact Eric at [email protected].  Thanks.

TO REGISTER FOR THE RIGHTEOUS RICHLAND SPRINT TRIATHLON GO TO Righteous Richland Sprint Triathlon (runsignup.com)

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at [email protected]
Join the 3RRR Club: You can get the above 3RRR discount by joining the club.  Only $20 per year covers your entire family at one address.  Just go to https://runsignup.com/Club/WA/Richland/3RiversRoadRunners   to get signed up.