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Rage Training Rides and Runs

The Rage in the Sage Duathlon is coming up soon on May 13th, so its time to get signed up at Rage in the Sage Duathlon (runsignup.com).  The race consists of a 2.5 mile run, 10 mile mountain bike, and then the same 2.5 mile run.  And the winery is open when you finish!

You get the chance to preview the course by joining us for some of the training rides and runs that will occur on several Saturdays before the race…specifically April 1, 8, 29, and May 6.  We meet at noon at Kiona Winery (44612 N. Sunset Rd; Benton City) in the lower parking lot.  The course goes through and around the vineyard and we cruise the bike course, maybe strap on the running shoes to check out the run course, and then chill with a bottle of red at the winery.  Hope to see you there!

Contact Eric at [email protected] if you have any questions.