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Meals on Wheels Fundraiser 5 km (and more!)

We are having our annual Meals on Wheels fundraiser event on Saturday October 1st. It is an untimed, run or walk 5 km, with meatballs , pretzels, gummy bears, and water out on the course. Followed by German food and a beer garden after(or during) the run. We are trying to get the word out in earnest for this lead up month to the event. Are you willing and able to post anything about this on your website? Carrie Green is copied here and she has all sorts of material about it all.

It is back live in 2022!

  • Run, walk, or relax at the venue
  • Food
  • Beer, root beer, wine (with a souvenir stein)
  • Games for kids
  • Music

Support Meals on Wheels at this event



October 1, 2022

1824 Fowler St.


Running starts at 10:00 and the course is open for 2 hours, so people can start whenever they like.