Saturday Run Group

Come join us for (all paces) Summer Run Group! Whether you are doing a 5k or marathon you are welcome. Even if you aren't running the race but are just looking to meet some new running friends, you are welcome to join! We will meet across from Sage Port Grille in the parking lot next […]

TMT Jr practice swims

We will have a couple practice swims of the swim course prior to the Titanium Man Junior Triathlon..  These will be at 8:15 am on Saturday, August 12th and Friday, August 18th.  Meet at the big boat dock at the end of Lee Blvd in Howard Amon Park in Richland.  Contact Eric at [email protected] with […]

Plutonium Man Triathlon practice swims & rides

We will have a couple of practice swim and rides of the Plutonium Man course to get ready for the event.  Meet at 7:30 am on Sundays August 13 and 20 in the SE parking lot of the WSU Tri-Cities campus (close to the Harris Rd/Sprout St intersection).  We’ll walk up to the swim start, […]

TMT Jr practice swims

We will have a couple practice swims of the swim course prior to the Titanium Man Junior Triathlon..  These will be at 8:15 am on Saturday, August 12th and Friday, August 18th.  Meet at the big boat dock at the end of Lee Blvd in Howard Amon Park in Richland.  Contact Eric at [email protected] with […]

Saturday Run Group

Come join us for (all paces) Summer Run Group! Whether you are doing a 5k or marathon you are welcome. Even if you aren't running the race but are just looking to meet some new running friends, you are welcome to join! We will meet across from Sage Port Grille in the parking lot next […]

Titanium Man Junior Triathlon

TO REGISTER FOR THIS RACE GO TO Titanium Man Junior Triathlon ( TITANIUM MAN JR. TRIATHLON Race date is August 19, 2023 For 7-12 year old triathletes! PLACE Howard Amon Park 900 George Washington Way Richland, WA US 99352 Hey kids --> It's your turn! Here is a chance to give triathlon a try. See if […]

Plutonium Man Triathlon practice swims & rides

We will have a couple of practice swim and rides of the Plutonium Man course to get ready for the event.  Meet at 7:30 am on Sundays August 13 and 20 in the SE parking lot of the WSU Tri-Cities campus (close to the Harris Rd/Sprout St intersection).  We’ll walk up to the swim start, […]

Saturday Run Group

Come join us for (all paces) Summer Run Group! Whether you are doing a 5k or marathon you are welcome. Even if you aren't running the race but are just looking to meet some new running friends, you are welcome to join! We will meet across from Sage Port Grille in the parking lot next […]

Plutonium Man Triathlon

TO SIGN UP FOR THIS RACE GO TO Plutonium Man Triathlon ( THE PLUTONIUM MAN TRIATHLON TAKES PLACE ON AUGUST 26, 2023 PLACE WSU Tri-Cities Campus 2710 Crimson Way Richland, WA US 99354 TWO DISTANCES TO CHOOSE FROM:  you have the choice of Olympic distance, sprint distance, or relay teams for the Olympic distance event. […]

Saturday Run Group

Come join us for (all paces) Summer Run Group! Whether you are doing a 5k or marathon you are welcome. Even if you aren't running the race but are just looking to meet some new running friends, you are welcome to join! We will meet across from Sage Port Grille in the parking lot next […]

LITTLE CROSS 1 mile 5k

Big Cross Racing Presents: The 29th Annual Little Cross (The Pie RUN) Benefits go to Pasco High Cross Country School Pay (Credit/Debit) or Cash 5km CROSS COUNTRY RACE LABOR DAY SEPTEMBER 4, 2023 MONDAY @ 9:00 AM RACE DAY REGSTRATION ONLY: STARTS @ 7:30AM ENTRY FEE: $10 School Pay (Credit/Debit) or Cash AWARDS 10:00 AM […]

Saturday Run Group

Come join us for (all paces) Summer Run Group! Whether you are doing a 5k or marathon you are welcome. Even if you aren't running the race but are just looking to meet some new running friends, you are welcome to join! We will meet across from Sage Port Grille in the parking lot next […]