Quad Killer VK

A rollercoaster style vertical kilometer race that climbs 3,310 feet and descends 2,648 feet in 5km. The trail is steep and narrow so the course will be open for 2 weeks to allow participants to spread out for safety. Must self time with a GPS device so we can verify the results. Prizes for top […]

October 3RRR Meeting

Rattlesnake Mountain Brewing Company 2696 N Columbia Center Blvd, Richland, WA

3RRR MEETING ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 AT 1:00 PM AT RATTLESNAKE MOUNTAIN BREWING COMPANY (formerly Kimo’s).  Get your workout taken care of in the morning and meet us for lunch at Rattlesnake Mountain Brewing Company at 1:00 pm.  As usual, you pick up your food tab and the club takes care of the beer tab.  […]

Pet OverPopulation Prevention Walk Run 5K httpsmyeventcom2022POPP

We’re so excited to come together for Pooch and Pal, the Pet OverPopulation Prevention's annual dog-friendly fun run/walk and celebration, featuring vendors and exhibitors, family-friendly activities, and of course, games and plenty of treats for our furry participants! Click the link below to become a participant or to start your own team. https://myevent.com/2022POPP Contact: Sherry […]

Trot For TROT

Trot For TROT 5K/10K & 1 Mile Fun Run Therapeutic Riding of Tri-Cities (TROT) promotes physical, psychological and social well-being of people with special needs by providing animal-assisted therapies and activities. All proceeds will go towards supporting Therapeutic Riding of Tri-Cities programs! To register for the Trot For TROT, visit https://www.trot3cities.org/trot-for-trot/ Date: Saturday, October 22nd […]

Dia de los Muertos 5k 10k kids fun run and 12 Marathon

Welcome to the 5th annual DDLM run, a celebration of life and afterlife. We have returned to downtown Pasco after a Covid hiatus, this year adding a half and continuing our tradition of "day of the dead" decor & face painting, and will be paired with the last Pasco Farmer's Market of the season. Register […]

Columbia River Classic Run

TO REGISTER FOR THE COLUMBIA RIVER CLASSI RUN, GO TO: Columbia River Classic Run (runsignup.com) PLACE USS Triton Submarine Memorial off the intersection of 11th Avenue and George Washington Way 3240 Richardson Road Richland, WA US 99352 DESCRIPTION The 47th Annual Columbia River Classic Presented by:  3 Rivers Road Runners Sponsored by: FotoRuby, Atomic Ale, Eastern Oregon […]

Santa Run and Reindeer Trot

Time to get your jingle bells polished and Santa Suits fluffed!! It is almost time for the Benton City Santa Run and Reindeer Trot!!!!! ? ... and don't forget to order your shirts before December 1st to get them on Race Day!!! ??? Sponsored by Ki-Be Bears Athletic Booster Club!!! Date: December 10, 2022 Fees:  […]

3RRR Christmas Party!!!

3RRR Christmas Party at Atomic Ale!  Once again the fine folks at Atomic Ale Brewpub are providing us a venue for our annual Christmas Party (with a little bit of a meeting).  The date is Sunday, December 11th from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm.  During that time Atomic is open exclusively for 3RRR members.  So […]

legalrc onion

Source: - https://dreamrace.ru/legalrc-onion.html legalrc onion

February 3RRR Club Meeting at Rattlesnake Mountain Brewing Company

Come join us Saturday, February 18th at 12:30 pm for another 3RRR club meeting.  Get your workouts wrapped up in the morning and come and relax and enjoy yourself at Rattlesnake Mountain Brewing Company (we'll be in the back section where we usually are).  You pick up your food tab and, as usual, 3RRR takes […]

Richland RunFest Half-Marathon, 10 km, and 5 km

To register for the Richland RunFest go to Richland RunFest 2023 (runsignup.com) PLACE Columbia Point (600 Columbia Point Drive, Richland, WA 99352) DESCRIPTION RICHLAND RUNFEST 2022 is presented by 3 Rivers Road Runners (3RRR) DISTANCES: Half Marathon, 10K and 5K (both in person and virtual options) There will be a medal for each race (and […]

St. Patrick’s Day Foot Race

Rattlesnake Mountain Brewing Company 2696 N Columbia Center Blvd, Richland, WA

ONLINE REGISTRATION IS CLOSED.  IN-PERSON LATE REGISSRATION AT RMBC ON FRIDAY BETWEEN 4:30 AND 6:30 PM AND RACE MORNING STARTINGAT 8:00 AM, Register at St. Patrick's Day Foot Race (runsignup.com) PLACE Packet pickup will be at Rattlesnake Mountain Brewing Company on Friday, March 11th from 4:30 to 6:30 pm and again on race day (March […]