Righteous Rides!!!

We will have a couple practice rides for the upcoming Righteous Richland Sprint Triathlon, which is July 9th.  So, we will get in some practice rides on Saturdays June 25 and July 2nd.  Meet in the parking lot at the southern end of Howard Amon Park at 10:00 am and we will ride from there.  […]

Benton City 4th of July 5k

Start your Fourth of July festivities on a scenic and flat course along the walking path in Benton City . All ages and abilities are welcome; you can walk, jog, run or race. Just be sure to include a healthy start to your holiday celebration! https://www.raceentry.com/benton-city-4th-of-july-5k/race-information Contact: Kelci Secord Email: secordstrength@yahoo.com

Open Water River Swims

We plan to start getting is some river swims starting on July 1st.  We will meet up Friday mornings at 7:30 and Saturday mornings at 8:30.  Meet up spot is the same as previous years, which is the public parking lot just upstream of the Marina Vista Estates townhouse complex (downstream from the River Front […]

Righteous Richland Sprint Triathlon

THE RIGHTEOUS RICHLAND SPRINT TRIATHLON IS JULY 9, 2022 TO REGISTER FOR THE RITHTEOUS RICHLAND SPRINT TRIAHTLON, GO TO: Righteous Richland Sprint Triathlon (runsignup.com) Format: 1/2 mile swim; 12 mile mountain bike; 3 mile run Course Description: The race starts with a brisk 1/2 mile swim in the Columbia River along the length of Howard […]

Shoreline Run 10 km and 2-miler

TO SIGN UP FOR THE SHORELINE RUN, GO TO Shoreline Run (runsignup.com) THE SHORELINE RUN IS SATURDAY, JULY 16, 2022 PLACE Howard Amon Park, 500 Amon Park Drive Richland Richland, WA US 99352 DESCRIPTION GENERAL INFORMATION: Races will consist of a 2 mile fun run and a 10K competitive run, with both races starting at […]

5K benefiting OUR

We at Combat Rat Car Club are hosting a 5k Run/Walk. The reason is to raise money for Operation Underground Railroad. The race will include a prize for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place and a top fundraiser prize too. Contact: Ryan Jacobs Email:

Open Water River Swims

We plan to start getting is some river swims starting on July 1st.  We will meet up Friday mornings at 7:30 and Saturday mornings at 8:30.  Meet up spot is the same as previous years, which is the public parking lot just upstream of the Marina Vista Estates townhouse complex (downstream from the River Front […]

Open Water River Swims

We plan to start getting is some river swims starting on July 1st.  We will meet up Friday mornings at 7:30 and Saturday mornings at 8:30.  Meet up spot is the same as previous years, which is the public parking lot just upstream of the Marina Vista Estates townhouse complex (downstream from the River Front […]

Open Water River Swims

We plan to start getting is some river swims starting on July 1st.  We will meet up Friday mornings at 7:30 and Saturday mornings at 8:30.  Meet up spot is the same as previous years, which is the public parking lot just upstream of the Marina Vista Estates townhouse complex (downstream from the River Front […]

Open Water River Swims

We plan to start getting is some river swims starting on July 1st.  We will meet up Friday mornings at 7:30 and Saturday mornings at 8:30.  Meet up spot is the same as previous years, which is the public parking lot just upstream of the Marina Vista Estates townhouse complex (downstream from the River Front […]

Kid’s triathlon practice swim

Meet near the big boat dock at the end of Lee Blvd in Howard Amon Park in Richland.  Bring your bike (you too, parents) and you can ride the course after the swim and Eric's most excellent directions!

August Club Meeting

AUGUST 3RRR CLUB MEETING AT THE KENNEWICK LOCATION OF SAGE BREWING AT 1:00 PM ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 13.  The Sage Brewing Taproom At Hansen Park is located at 910 S Columbia Center Blvd STE G Kennewick, WA 99336, next to the new Resort At Hansen Park.  They open right at 1:00 pm on Saturdays, so we […]