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4 X 4 X 48 Run

Brian is partnering with Tri-Cities FCA ( Fellowship of Christian Athletes) for a local fundraiser. He is going to participate in David Goggins 4x4x48 challenge where he will run 4 miles, every 4 hours for 48 hours. This is his 4th year doing this event and 3rd year partnering with FCA

I was wondering if 3 Rivers Road Runners would be interested in putting it on your calendar and/or posting about it over social media?

The idea is to get people in the community participating in one or more of the 12 different segments.  Yes we are trying to raise funds but we are really trying to get people in the community to run, walk, or bike with Brian.


When: Friday March 22nd-Sunday March 24th(Every 4 hours)


Where: All 3 Cities! Check out the website for specific locations. The two midnight runs will be held at Richland High School Track and Kamiakin High School Track!


Why: To see our community be more active all while supporting Tri-Cities FCA! We have two fundraising goals this year.

1) To provide pizza during middle/high school huddles

2) To support the FCA Equip Fitness Gym  scholarship fund


Format:  Run, walk, or bike some or all segments.  Brian will be running 4 miles, every 4 hours, for 48 hours.


Final Celebration: Join us for a Fun Run at the 12th Segment. Then food, and games at Bethel Church Gym on Sunday, March 24th 4pm.


Here is the link for more info plus an attachment of the schedule and locations
