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3RRR Christmas Party!!!

3RRR Christmas Party at Atomic Ale!  Once again the fine folks at Atomic Ale Brewpub are providing us a venue for our annual Christmas Party (with a little bit of a meeting).  The date is Sunday, December 11th from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm.  During that time Atomic is open exclusively for 3RRR members.  So if you are a member, we hope you show up and remember it’s a convenient time to pay down your $20 annual dues.  If you are not a member, then it’s a great time to join the club and enjoy some of the benefits of club membership right away.  For $20 per year per family, you will get discounts on all of the races we put on and free beer at club meetings!  And at the Christmas Party it’s even more – the club picks up the beer tab and the soup tab and you will pick up the tab for any individual food items you order off the menu.  Hope we see you there and if you have any questions you can contact Eric at [email protected].